
As a supporting member of the Academic Network Eastern Europe (akno e.V.), you help us to support at-risk scholars and students from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. 

Apply for membership

Here (Akademisches Netzwerk Osteuropa e.V.) you can apply for membership

Membership fees are unrestricted donations that we can use flexibly where they are most urgently needed. (If you prefer to support us with a one-off or earmarked donation, you can do so here).

A supporting membership does not involve any obligations apart from your annual contribution. Membership can be cancelled at any time on a monthly basis. As a supporting member, you are not entitled to vote at general meetings, but you do have the right to make suggestions for organisational activities and to receive information about its work, in particular about how it uses its funds.

Your membership fee is tax-deductible. We are happy to send you a donation receipt.

By applying for membership, you agree to accept the association’s statutes in the version valid at the time of your application. You find them here (in German): statutes

What happens to my membership fee?

We support at-risk scholars and students with a variety of financial and non-financial services.

  • Financial: We remunerate academic presentations, participation in workshops, conferences & research projects, subsidise publications, etc.
  • Non-financial: We arrange mentoring partners, offer English courses, help with finding scholarships, provide legal advice, etc.

You can find more information about our work here on our website.